A lot of people might have it confused. They may associate being good or doing something nice with everything being Godly. You will never find anywhere in the Bible the word nice. The word nice is nowhere in the Bible, but it does say be kind-hearted one to another and show love one to another. So, one of the fruits of the spirit is the fruit of Good Deeds. It's really talking about you showing the love of God to everybody.
Jesus said how you know that you are my disciples? By your love. Your love is the most important thing, and so we should love one another. God says we love our neighbor as we love ourselves, so when we love them, we show God how much we love him.
Now, does that get you into Heaven by your good deeds? No, because salvation is a gift. You can't work your way into heaven so let's not get that confused. You can't work your way there; however, you can show the love of God and that lets people know who God is through you. Because some people will never walk into a church or a sanctuary, but they can find out who God is because they had a visit with you. I'm talking about you, so this is my 120 seconds with God, and we are talking about the fruit of Good Deeds.
Remember that. Go out and be kindhearted to somebody and show the love of Christ. We love you.
